How to deal with a person taking treatment for schizophrenia and has become violent? - schizophrenia treatment more condition_symptoms
This person had been treated for more than five years and has now more violent blows cleaning, etc. How does one deal with the situation?
Maybe he / she has had to be hospitalized. The drug does not work and doctors need to return a balanced person before he / she can return to the world. Good luck.
uh .......... need professional help. Perhaps the necessity of medication is changed or increased. My brother has a severe depression, even tried to run with my sister back in his pickup. almost as good. Not that he deserves. But whatever his medications were wrong.
This can happen if it is necessary to increase or change medications for humans. I hope they take their medication on a daily basis. Somehow make to get their doctor to help the situation closely and to see a doctor as soon as possible. In addition, a hospital stay may need to stabilize.
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