Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mini Jack How Do I Convert A Cassette Tape Into An MP3 Using My PCs Microphone-in Mini Jack?

How do I convert a Cassette tape into an MP3 using my PCs Microphone-in mini jack? - mini jack

There must be a way to connect a mini-jack output tape into the microphone jack to connect to my computer and play the tape to the computer to an MP3. Can you please help me find software that can deal with this situation? Do my old Archos MP3 player could. Do I want tapes to MP3 files without having to buy new equipment to convert.

1 comment:

soundman... said...

Difficult to write all the steps here, but you can look at the following guidelines: ... This is certainly "can do .... ', if you have patience
You will need a cassette (!), PC input with stereo sound card, conversion software and a CD burner.
Note: If you can use a laptop, you need an external USB sound card (it's me that a mono microphone input has - is not enough!) - Find cheap, simple, yet effective, the (Hong Kong) by .. eBay.
You can ask someone to do this for you, there is plenty of choice on the web, this kind of work is perfect for a virtual studio.
The software is probably what you really know about us .. You will find it a lot. Personally, I use Magix Audio Cleaning Lab - produced mainly in the removal of vinyl, but takes any analog signal. It has many features, including the cleaning of filters, effects and editing ... it is cheap and even comes with a stereo cable - try eBay. There are many more, sometimes even free DownlADO (bold and free PDF guide to disposal ...) - listen to the people who have used the software and go ....
Oh, and Magix has an automatic recognition on the basis of silence between tracks of monitoring and auto-stop recording so you can go during the day and stops at the end of the tape - very useful! You can use a large amount of disk space is required, so do not try, if you are pressed for space ... It may be necessary) files from time to clean up the huge (10 MB per minute, WAV, MP3, 1 MB per minute of time. You can save space for recording directly into MP3 sacrifice some sound quality
NB. Microphone, but does not refer to LINE IN (guide)

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